2011-04-26 20:53:00The final joint partners' workshopOn Tuesday, April 19, 2011, the final joint partners' workshop was held in Čakovec. The practical part of the workshop consisted in a demonstration of constructing the wooden frame with traditional carpenter's joints. This part of the workshop lasted from 9:00 AM to 12 :45 AM. At 1:00 PM, in the Trade Union Building, in the presence of approximately a hundred people ranging from the County and Town officials, team members of all three partners, workshop groups students to enthusiastic individuals, there were two presentations given, namely one by Ms Vedrana Knežević, Program Manager of JTS Budapest (presentation on the IPA programme in general and the applying procedure) and the other by Mr Zoran Pazman, the Principal of LB, School of Building and Crafts (GŠČ)- (presentation of CREDU project). Ms Knežević said that she appreciated the way in which the project had been implemented and the efforts that the School of Building and Crafts invested into the implementation of the project. Mr Pazman pointed out that the cooperation among the partners was an exceptional one and that there was a need for a further and continuous conservation and renewal of the architectural heritage constructions which is, moreover, the objective of the project itself. A press conference followed attended by the local media (newspapers, radio and TV) and, finally, there was a deserved –and within the activities of the project planned – reception. |